No one voted for Musk
Know any liberal-owned local hardware stores?
Are You Witnessing a Rise in Alt-Right / MAGA Content in Your Facebook Feeds?
For anyone wondering what it’s like to live at the lake
This is how you fight back. Big up Hakeem Jeffries
JD Vance is already campaigning for Trump’s ‘third term’
In the short time of his presidency are any Republicans regretting him being in?
My rescue Siena
Ouray 100
“Absolute unit” doesn’t even come close to describing this horse
What shoes are you rocking at the moment?
Healthy Living and Running Influencers, Jan 27 - Feb 02
65% of veterans voted for DJT
Jesus. The incompetence is as dangerous as the corruption
But l thought J6ers were peaceful folks?
Ollie is slowly finding out what bees do
Neck Pain
As a Pro-Palestinian Kamala Voter I tried to warn the segment of protesters about their bad faith takes on thinking Kamala would be as bad or worse than Biden. I hope they're happy.
Thank you Tuskegee Airmen. May you be remembered forever
Trump Said WHAT?
X and Twitter links now banned on /r/TrailRunning
MMW: history will poorly judge people based on who they see as the hero and the victim in this photo
Latta trail running
Trail run Saturday - Paraná, Brazil
Recommendations for first 50k (Colorado)