Kaddy Brown
Cat version of Kody Brown
My boy’s ear hair is getting a little out of hand…
Who are we?
What is a profession that was once highly respected, but is now a complete joke?
AITA for inviting myself to an event I thought everyone was going to?
What made you realize that your parent is a creep?
Let’s see the last picture you took of your cat
Alarming rash and bruising forming on my moms arm
What is your favorite zero calorie drink?
What are you better at than 80% of people?
Remote work coffee shops/wifi?
Shoes as comfortable as sketchers that don’t wear out as easily?
I feel like I should do this
“Get out… I said ‘Get OUT!!!’”
What machine is this?
Jokes or references that you don’t get
The American Medical Association clarifies BMI's role as a measure of medicine
Help me remember this bar!
Would you give your sibling a kidney?
Zebra bites Ohio man’s arm off before being put down
Springing forward into daylight saving time is a step back for health – a neurologist explains the medical evidence, and why this shift is worse than the fall time change
I crocheted a mask to look like my sister lol
What are 2 celebrities you always confuse for one another?
Doctors give ineffective weight loss advice to patients with obesity
Buying shoes for bunions