Cosmetic Star Level Skins
Need a new pair of gloves
He just misses his mom :(
I love how people complain about Levy's show design saying its not accurate because they didn't actually read the comics
Night Vision Eel
Add Brown Bears to Taiga forests
Fox Warm Variant Suggestion
Who do you think is "The Wretch"?
Why are there multiple Icons of Sin through out the Doom timeline? (also whats the deal with the one from 2016)
Doom demons speculative evolution
I think this scene in the trailer with Valen defeated and on his knees in front of Ahzrak is probably the exact moment Valen realized that he betrayed the Night Sentinels for nothing and that now his son will be reborn as the Icon Of Sin
Is Erebus canon? Are there others like him? Who is he in the lore?
Do you think the slayer has to eat a lot and workout to maintain his mass or did the divinity machine bless him with eternal gains?
Cool observation: It seems like in Doom: The Dark Ages the one handed Super Shotgun we'll be given is probably an upgraded version of the shotgun Marauders use (probably because Marauders are corrupted Night Sentinels)
Doom Slayer being an extinction event
Why are Doom Guy's eyes glowing yellow in Doom: The Dark Ages?
Who even is this guy? This type of demon keeps popping up in different Doom games (even in Doom Eternal in the codes) but it was never talked about nor was it present as an enemy in any game ever
swollen knuckle
Should I beat this guy up?
The Trample
How do yall make your voice not sound bad
Tried piecing Vyke's helmet back together to see what he looked like before his encounter with the 3 fingers
Talisman doesn't drop
This new weapon absolutely shreds through the DLC bosses (40 seconds)
Guts' Greatsword spotted