Saw this post pawel commented on on twitter. Thoughts?
This is absolutely hilarious
How do I get from pic 1 to pic 2 (u/alex_kasyan_artist)? What should I work on? What am I lacking?
I can’t believe it’s finally happened to me. They got my nana :(
Accidentaly took 140 I think, am I good?
A local anime bar is having a Cyberpunk event and these are the featured drinks
Aio I think I was drugged last night
[Fem V] A new V that I made (Guess which body mod this is?)
This shit sucks so much
Pretend your clothes have stat buffs
Dogs with Puppies vs Cats with Kittens 😭😭😭
Virginia driver angry she was zipper merged ahead of
Do they know?
I asked ChatGPT Pro if I should be concerned about my homozygous MTHFR base on my blood 🩸 test and this is the response….
Just got told by a neuro specialist I'm not autistic...
I turned around to see this.. not sure what I did.
Grimes when talking about a serious topic
AIO? Gf talking to me
What things are sensory hell to you?
Brought Wakako a gift but I don’t think she likes it
Usually, a game loses its shine the more you play it. Yet here I am, at the end of my 9th playthrough, realising this one was my favourite playthrough to date <3
Uh... Forgot something Johnny?
I don’t think anybody has EVER been this snug as a bug in a rug
Blood in cats litterbox