.-- .... .- - / .. ... / - .... . / ... .--. .. .-. .. - ... .-..-. / ..-. .- ...- --- .-. .. - . / -.-. --- .-.. --- .-. ..--..
I’m never ____.
But Mom, I don’t wanna ___.
Who keeps eating my chips?
u/_______ for president of r/AskOuija.
The favorite ouija sub other than r/askouija is r/_____ouija.
According to scientific statistics, u/_____ is the worst person ever and should be burned alive.
Can you spell my username?
Spell pnumenoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, but every letter is the opposite end of the word.
i just posted it bro
spell mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewqqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
Spirts, how can I repent for my sins?
How do I farm karma?
Spirits what’s your favorite pokemon?
Why is your ______ SO JUICY
My dog ate a(n) ___.
I did 3141 _______ last night
Spiders are ___.
Do you even ____ bro?
SPIRITS, what is your favorite VIDEO GAME mmmmm
Hahaha! Stop tickling my _____!! OH MY GOD STOP TICKLING MY _____!!! 🤣🤣🤣💀🤠
you became an anime character and your power _____
Can I put my balls in your ___?