What snake does this belong to?
How does he look.. my first Leo, I rescued him fully grown the last pic is how skinny he was when I received him… I’m wondering now if he is over weight
Roach food?
My favorite thing about owning a beardie is being able to make salads
I want to see your gecky homes! My boss wants to give me his leopard gecko.
She is angry that i wont give her bugs until she eats her salad
Wanting some top soil to mix with my Aus red sand for Barliman’s substrate. Has anyone used these two brands? I want to make sure I’m getting something that won’t harm him
Susan ate Roger!
Is this a good list for a bioactive setup? (For whites tree frog)
hanging out
What can I add to my room for my beardie when she is free roaming?
He just won’t stop being fat
Is his tank too cluttered?
Suggestions, advice, what to look into keeping in my viv (will be completely stripped out)?
Upgraded geckos tank. What else am I missing?
Did I stunt my frogs growth??
Big scare for this guy tonight, had to rush him to the vet!
Any tips/ advice for a first time owner?
Donating full setup to LA fire victims
So sorry(two things)
Need a little guidance
Caught him basking on a snowy day
Does anyone know a good beginner tortoise?
What are ways to bond and gain trust with my new adult bearded dragon