"You'll find someone eventually"
People don't understand what venting means
How to ask people out
I constantly compare my life with other people's and it's taking a big toll
20M british desperate for some sleep
20m need someone to rate some pics of me so I know I'm not ugly
Can anyone help me 20M feel less ugly
I 20M feel super ugly
Why do people even swipe?
20M uk I'm looking for friends to chill out with and maybe watch movies over discord
20M London gamer would like some people to hang out with irl or online.
20M Londoner wanting to find a cuddlebuddy
Guess my age and gender
20 M4A London looking for somebody to feel close to
20M wanna meet some new people :)
Is it safe?
Should i evolve valkyrie or goblin barrel(arena 18)
20M would really like to make some friends soon
20M, feeling alone and need some people to talk to
20M kinda lonely these past few months
I'm afraid I'll be alone forever
Movie about fortnite.
Why didn't fairy save me ?
Any advice on Platinum E4 with this box?