Rusty armor plate testing
An Experiment with Rust Effects!
Gore Tutotial!
Daemons of the Ruinstorm - Army Complete!
I tried it, once. [KCD2]
[KCD2] Can't sleep in The Sword and the Quill Mission
Im almost finished with my knight! Base is a new project for me. Gonna play with resin :)
Progress update on my rusty boy
I came up with three Speedpainting recipes for some spare Plague Marines
Had the baals, but I forgot the quality
My new homebrew (digital render)
90% completed on the dredge sire
Custom Deathguard helmet!
Ladies of Reddit, what’s something a guy has done (intentional or not) that instantly made you think, “Wow, he’s different in a good way?
Path of Exile 2 Desperately Needs an Official In-Game Item Exchange System
Working on some rusty iron armor for a mighty orruk!
Death Guard Helmet
Maryland version?
Michigan Version?
But I just defeated you...
GMax Raid Difficulty got Nerfed - Reminder that toxic positivity and licking Niantic's boots gets us absolutely nowhere. The only way to see improvement is to speak out minds.
First Plague Marine
Malstrain gang I did up to use for the Secundus box campaign.
New Dirty Down Gore: It Rocks
I am convinced that the Galar birds are uncatchable and everyone who "caught" them is a paid actor