Am I crazy?
Seeking Short Story Writers
BD lurkers, how did you find out that you’re blessed? Size queen and king lurkers, how did you you realize your size preference?
What do you do for your dopamine hit?
Anyone actually choosing to be a stepparent? Anyone happy?
What responsibilities have you taken on as a step parent and what are your partners responsibilities as the bio parent?
My husband won’t go down on me
Do any of you take your ADHD meds everyday?
To put it politely
What causes my husband to interrupt and talk over everyone?
Idea of choosing a parent (advice/vent)
Lost all the desire for her. Think I'm done.
Family planning
Wife wants to experience living on her own
Am I a bad stepmom
AIO UPDATE: I checked his phone… and now I feel sick.
Should I stay or go? Please help.
Is my marriage doomed ?
AIO because my boyfriend didn’t make time for me on Valentine’s Day, just a month after not spending time with me on my birthday?
When you start really listening to your partner its impossible to stop hearing the awful things they say.
I regret getting married almost a year ago
Tried something new in the bedroom and now I want to go further
Cosleeping is the reason we’re breaking up
Have you ever been called a narcissist for NACHOing?