Abandoned Gymnasium
Extreme Close Calls
Hopefully not a crime that I shot a video using X100VI outside of Japan
Abandoned gymnasium
Started playing 3 weeks ago, today I finished my first base. Obsessed with this game!
I have an idea
Trying to identify this camera but the logo is taped (btw, who's this guy, is he famous?)
A cool guide to the deepest places on earth
1 or 2?
The various personas of the original Mad Man: Don (Dick), Dick (Don), Don (Don), Dick (Dick). Have you completed enough rewatches to tell which is which?
Anon tries a new approach to IT Security
The orc weeb build
Rome sent thousands of veteran legionaries to form colonies in conquered territory. Since these towns were "artificial," and didn't rise from economic forces, did many fail? Were colonies often abandoned?
So... I just got the cops sent to my house for daring to take photos in my own neighborhood?
I love this photo, how do I get these lines?
Going to start a photog YT channel. Critique my plan.
Workers leaving Westinghouse Electric Company Pittsburgh at the end of their shift (1904)
“The eternal light within all of us” - shot in Kyoto Japan - Hasselblad 400CM // Noktagon 85mm f0.6 // Kodak Trimax 100 pushed to ISO 6400 developed with stock 1+7+3 Rodinal. Constructive comments only please.
How did you find Morrowind?