Boloş: Dacă nu sunt îndeplinite jaloanele cu probleme din Cererea de plată 3, riscăm să pierdem 1,76 miliarde de euro
Vlad Pascu, tânărul care a ucis două persoane în august 2023, după ce a condus drogat, a fost condamnat la 10 ani de închisoare. Decizia nu este definitivă.
Whats the worst thing you can do, if you’re doing it backwards?
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To all the people out there, what truly keeps you going at life daily?
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What was your “Oh My God I get it” moment?
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What video game has a "non-lethal" method that most likely killed someone?
If you suddenly became rich, gaining a hundred million out of nowhere, what would you do?
Whats the first thing u do when you wake up?
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What did y’all do last Friday night?