Can I farm returning Heir Bonuses?
Zahhak is so damn broken xD
How do I tell how many stacks she has?
Luna contest entry (art by 水若青)
Wtf is bro trying to do here 💀💀💀
A.Yufine & Lua (by konnzyou)
Light Moonlight Clarissa
This game is doomed and nothing SG does will save it
Heirs, I think I'm on something
Are reruns available in CGS ??
I'm bored
Does anyone have the song that plays in the menu of Tori's side story?
Unbalanced balance
Occam's razor has its limits...
So the new update gives nothing? (Rant)
Bruh where's the cleanse?
Since when could you pull Yuna???
What's going on with the art contest?
Cleanse is bugged in auto tower this patch
How to enter code via mobile Android?
Who is she?! Do you prefers the old or new character designs?
Lone Wolf Peira S3 is AI-Generated
I recently remember that this guy existed as concept art. What other stuff has SG promised and then forgot about? You know, stuff like the eastern trading ship and such
Story and future content
IP not allowed and account reset