Example No.2 of why a Corporal shouldn't become a head of state
Dan on the Trump/Zelensky meeting
Donald Trump's latest Truth Social post on Gaza is off the rails
Gods forbid a woman moves up in her career.
Jon, make it happen
For as much as Americans hate America right now. Just had a man from Syria tell me how much we take this country for granted.
Retired Military Leaders Write Letter Warning about Trump's Purge to Washington Post
This is the Trump’s new Deputy Director of the FBI
CMV: r/conservative is the most uptight, exclusionary, thin-skinned, insecure subreddit on this site, on top of defending outright fascism.
meme i found
Left vs. Right Battle Royale Open Thread
My prediction from 3 months ago has now possibly come true.
Pisco, Jessiah, Lonerbox, Aba, Turkey Tom, JJ mccullough, PF Jung, Hutch, Jreg, do you have it in your heart...
But your Honour, she ALSO sent nudes without consent
Megathread: Destiny's Public Statement
Judge Doubts Trumps Trans Military Ban amounts to ‘anything other than total discrimination.’
Current Sentiment of Every former JRE fan
light and L should’ve just kissed
How Trump Saved Elon: The USAID Starlink Probe Cover Up
One of the top all time posts in r/conservative...hmm i wonder how they feel now, i mean its just a weird gesture right?
Trump voters on here, where do you draw the line?