These Delta Force skins are normally unlockable, how does one unlock this one for 93R?
Found this on X (Wrist Breaker)
I am a 320 million rat player from CN server and may be able to answer some of your questions and give you some predictive advice
Hell yea, gimme
I got downvoted before by saying Easy mode Operations was full of bots, killed 9 "operators" in this match, and most of them behaved this exact same way
So how does medkit use time work?
Map design sucks, prove me wrong
What is the purpose of Normal Layali Grove being time locked?
Dont buy from Moza website
PSA - You can't lose your gear in Operation Serpentine
Forget about Freeman, remember Democracy
QD-OLED or WOLED for this environment?
Are there any 360Hz WOLEDs currently available?
Which of these monitors do you recommend?
Do all 360Hz 27" screens use 3rd Gen panels?
Best 3rd gen 27" QD-OLED monitor?
Two quick questions about text on OLEDs
Best jack of all trades OLED type?
All my Insurgents outfits
All my Security outfits
Shooting for the Russian camo from MW2, how did I do?
Shooting for the Russian camo from MW2
Germans taking a bridge in the most German way possible lol
[H4] How can I check the seasonal championship reward?
(H4) Cars with x14 skill multiplier?