It finally happened
Magnus monitor arms problems
Symbotic ($SYM): The Hidden Gem Nobody's Watching (Yet)
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What is the biggest waste of money people do on a daily basis?
Why is it that studios can’t make rpgs like the ones players used to make in Byond ?
Chinese Scientists Report Using Quantum Computer to Hack Military-grade Encryption
How do I adjust secretlab monitor arm tilt adjustment?
What is the most unusual meat you’ve eaten?
just finished watching GOT and i don’t like how they wrapped up the whole Long Night fight in one episode.
Im a generous man
How I beat Tocker Trials (Chaos) and You can too! (SPOILER!!)
The longest, nastiest, and curviest one (10y-2y inversion) your mom has ever seen finally comes (to an end).
Car rental recommendations on city outskirts?
What are some significant sites or objects that are believed to still exist somewhere, but haven't yet been conclusively found?
What long-held (scientific) assertions were refuted only within the last 10 years?
What is the craziest misdiagnosis that you have heard about or experienced?
TIL Scientists have been communicating with apes via sign language since the 1960s; apes have never asked one question.
I just made 1 million
Financially well off but frugal men, what are red and green flags when dating someone new?
Can you get a decent job with a BSc in physics without a masters?
It's been almost 2 years since the Yield Curve inverted. When's that recession happening again?
What does every guy want at 17 and absolutely not want at 35?
Powerplay mat with the Magnus desk
AI has passed the Turing Test