Is dating in SA actually this hard, or am I just cursed?
"So what do we do?" This and the intro interview are the most chilling scenes for me. The way she said it was so final and certain. When she heard how many victims there were still out there she knew we were done and there was no other way. Gave me goosebumps.
I quit league to start Albion online and I start falling in love with this game
Tell us you're from South Africa without telling us you're from South Africa
Just got ganked. Uninstalling.
CD mismatches just killed the game for me
Hit two big milestones today!
How the hell do people find this type of playstyle fun? Even in 2x its pathetic?
Question about crafting
Hello, all. Fairly new player here, does anyone do regular group dungeons/activites?
It needs to be refuckulated
Guys, I might quit my job and go pro
Caps give away is difficult.
Hey guys. I'm liking the game a lot, I just have a few noob questions.
Absolutely amazing game. Truly polished.
[COD] why do you guys keep playing new cod games?
Why does everyone I come up against have insane aim that I can’t even react
Is this some sort of sick joke ?
Had a roach baked on my pizza
Greetings all. Want to try out fasting for the first time.
[COD] Sup Codders.
I got thrown out my vehicle and attacked by ferals
I don't know how to feel about this
What caused the Archie’s glitch?
Finally getting bo6 any tips?