Mpls Natives, what’s a “Mpls” thing that you’ve never done and will never do on principle?
What was something that you really wish our generation did not introduce?
fuck these things
How many cellphones have you had in your lifetime so far?
Which 9-Day cast member do you think is most psychologically healthy?
I know how Tyray should lose his virginity, it would be a ratings explosion.
Hey TLC, Please quit catering to this time of behavior!
What Millennial traits will our kids complain about when we aren’t around?
Had to share this here!
I turned 20 today
The way they made Igor the monster is not okay.
At this point in time, who do you consider to be the most successful couple to have been on this show? And I don't mean financially.
Here we go!!!!!
When did you realize that you can't just eat anything you want without consequences?
doordash suggested me this
50% of Millennials are homeowners as of 2023. Are you one of them? How do you think this was achieved? [Serious answers only please]
Question for people who went to high school in the 90s and the 2000s.
Worth donating to
What topic on this sub has you like this?
I ordered five guys and I got 68
My dream wedding starter pack
I believe Timmy would put more passion and effort into the kiss if he was "Jokingly" kissing Armando's husband Kenny
People who believe Older Generations had it better, when exactly were the "good times" you want us to return to?
Pick your favorite follicularly blessed Gino
Why is same-sex attraction still in the gene pool?