Do your avatars have a family? And if so, how are the relationships between them?
I will try to draw some of y’all’s avatars in my goofy ass style (or this might get like 10 comments and I won’t)
So, what does it take to PERMANENTLY kill your avatar? And if your avatar can come back after being killed, is there a way to stop that from happening?
Based on your avatar I will guess what Skyrim skill tree(s) you belong to
Some arrogant robbers just broke into your house, what does your avatar do?
Give me your avatar and I'll give you a dragon from my Pinterest folder!
BloxxMarauder and Antonio came to collect your avatars taxes, what do they do?
Drawing your avatars with a random other avatar (read desc)
Give me your avatar and I'll tell you if it deserves Economy class,business class and Premium class onto precious B747 based on how majestic ur look is
I'll tell you if your avatar can escape from IRS.
Ill assign ur avatar a song from my youtube music
You see some kid healing somone What does ur avatar do?
Say something abount my avatar
How would your avatar/s open a jammed door? And what would happen if they fail to?
Someone instructing you when your overwhelmed:
Which is your favorite SpongeBob the Movie cover from the first movie?
What kind of world does your avatar live in?
hey you, yes you.
"What're ya doin' in ma house?" Uh oh! Grapple caught you breaking in! What do you tell her so that she doesn't have the Mini-Graps eviscerate you?
Show me your avatar and I'll tell you how likely I am to shoot you with my RPG
How much profanity is your avatar slingin' around?
i just wanna share my favorite cursed image (if it is?) with my fellow evil autisms. Hope you like it :D
What gun would an actual gun nerd give you?
Making cards out your avatar :D