My Passports Over the Years
$5000 in this photo
We like
What country is this?? (wrong answers only)
My Kiwi passport
Resign or be terminated
My 'collection'
Indonesian and German Passport
Finally! How rare is this combo?
Old or new British Passports?
New updated Norwegian Passport
Finally got my 10 years (top). Bottoms are 5 years
~400 USD, one consulate trip, and a week later
Thoughts on this passport damage?
My visa for North Korea
PSA: Protect Your British Passport from Fading with a Plastic Cover! Look
My one and only. No combo in foreseeable future 🥲
My old Indonesian passport
Passport combo
My (Slightly Redundant) combo
Canadian Stamps
Best JLPT N1/business Japanese schools?
Japanese Empire passport
Anyone day trading the Japanese market?
The most expensive passport in the world. Australia