Didn’t like original design wasn’t screen accurate
AIO to my boyfriend of 18 days?
First spidey figure 🔥
I dont know why everybody hating original monster , but its one of my favourite
Looking for 29mm!!
Are these good grip jobs ?
AIO because my boyfriend acts different when im with friends
Sum light🔥
Am I Overreacting To My Boyfriend Canceling Our 2 Year Anniversary Plans?
What’s your death blow in a GOS?
Kickflip or Heelflip?
Aio abt how my girlfriend is feeling
AIO: snapping at my gf after funeral so she got Tinder?
For Trade: Crete Street AVE Bench.
AIO to these texts from my GF?
Free Deck Monday.
What do u guys think of this.
Plastic or wood??
Heat transfer gatekeeping
Fakie or regular?
One foot catch? Or one finger catch?
Scratched my tattoo in my sleep, now it’s completely ruined.
my red ink tatt is healing bad (?)
AIO for telling my gf to respect my mum?