They were just trying to be "bad guys," Mom!
Your going to Sisika for 365 days, pick a cellmate…
Wife accidentally threw a bag of hot wheels that my son and I scored on, she just came back from digging in the trash for them 😂😂
Thank you dollar general. The box was open but none were taken out yet. My first sth this year
I’m starting to understand why these are a thing
Who has the best theory on what happened to Karen
Fuckers shot my horse
Someone told me grizzlies won’t attack if you stay still
Epic horse 😎😎
This is Lynch. Lynch hates having guests over for Christmas
The Freightliner is one of my favs
What do you wish you’d known before you got your chickens?
It does really happen!!
I was just trying to unbury her water bowl
No time to explain, just go!
This but for chickens
A pigeon holder to help give pigeons medicine
Do I dare open?
It really does happen
Hen or rooster?
Last night's finds 🔥
Did I just find the chase?!
Rescued our first kitten in the wilds of W Virginia motels
Just adopted from my local shelter! What breeds do you see?
Newbie question
Post exam pick ups