My mom died Saturday
My dog died while I am traveling
Do you actually like living in Hampton Roads? If so, what do you like about it so much?
My little brother, Ryan at age 25, passed away 3 weeks ago from Stage 4 Lung Cancer. I just wanted to share a bit about my beautiful brother.
First Christmas & NYE without our 10yo son. I wrote this. 💔
Is it going to snow?
What to do when one parent thinks they can keep taking care of the parent with dementia?
Can dementia make you sadistic?
Hospice - too early?
Its finally over. Grandma is at peace. May 27, 1930- Jan 1, 2025.
It's been 8 months, Look I've lost a parent too, I do t make it my personality...
I miss my mom
Glad it's over
missing my grandma
Today is so hard 💔
Anyone else feel dirty?
First Christmas without my mom-
Has anyone experienced them suddenly "hating" you?
Merry Xmas - It's a Major Award
Yesterday I lost my dad, he was only 39. I don’t know what to do.
Moving: Richmond vs Norfolk??
What is the worst college in Virginia? Asking out of curiosity.
Those that are alone without real people to talk to
I hate the holidays
Arghh!! Stop with the Visiting angels commercials!