why do liberals have such a murder boner?
Capital stopped education of the common worker at simple literacy because of (((modern narcissism culture)))
MCU movies are theory
Guys! Guys! Listen up! It can fit a bike! OMG, so revolutionary!
Sometimes he sleeps like this
The paradox of mental health
In 1955, capitalists promised the working class a fully automated luxury lifestyle if they just made more roads
Berlin German Police breaking the wrest of a protester
My resiliency is not based on being less gentle on myself, but more
this is not a meme. genuinely what do you say to “leftists” like this?
I Agree, Bill
Im new here, is this communism?
That Bessel book is not going to get me feeling stuck forever
Wow I love pollution!
The NT's Strike Back
Autistic burnout go brrrr
Frodo was strong. And the fellowship was stronger.
We’re furious, and we’re ready to vote.
>Fumbles a revolutionary moment so hard it leads to fascism >Thinks about this for 10 years in prison >It was because the workers didn't read philosophy Was Gramsci stupid?
Capital Vol. 1, Chapter 15, Section 3, Part A
liberals will be like "you believe in revolution? that pales in comparison to my strategy of winning an election" then don't win an election
Banh mi
Conservatives claim Homelander as there icon and people still say they are Worth listening to
Many Democrats plan to boycott Netanyahu's address to Congress due to Israel's war in Gaza