Helmets! Which is the best?
Mushroom Swiss on brioche
Probably just screeching noises
What does it mean to be an American today?
The man the myth the legend.
I call this one The Doublewide
Help understanding Squids
Ex-smokers who successfully quit and have been smoke free for years now, what did it?
Thoughts on the New Warbond?
Favorite characters with white hair
I made the guild seal in Minecraft : D
Should this be posted repeatedly in r/Maine until the mods respond?
Level 40 knocking my loadout
Can we do this too?
What are YOUR top 3 supports?
Is this anti-American?
Fan Theory: the beautiful flag
Burnt out
Please don't screw it up Sony
Pure Cinema
Where do you draw the line? (and where do you hope AH would?)
Not even one full hour played, already experiencing 100% cinematic material. Is the whole game gonna be like this?
goddamn don't you guys have work tomorrow??