I’m a fed. AMA
Faire enough
There’s a unflattering angle at cutscene 12 at frame 69 😤 shame on you Kathleen 😤
What did you name your Voidship?
Always thought Kurt had blue skin, turns out he's actually furry. Begs the question, what does Kurt look like under the fur?
They Keep Winning
Vegas, baby
Deceiver C'tan
Challenge: outcringe Syril Karn and post like you're the biggest Imperial bootlicker
What show and video game would this for you and how would that crossover go? (For me, it would be interesting to see how Reacher and Olimar get along.)
hi bob
Shit like this makes my blood boil.
Abelard, wish the subreddit a Merry Christmas
PGT: Absolutely pathetic.
Good shot of James from last night
Drop your age if you stop on this video and get surprise
Found this in the description of the planet Klencory in the Newton system of the Kepler Verge in ME1. To the best of my knowledge , these "beings of light" are never brought up again. The idea got left on the cutting room floor, perhaps?
Vegas riding high being in first place
New hero idea: Neanderthal
Again, Disney?!
Hilarious Punn
I love her