Anyone else think it's gonna be super hard to get neons/megas of the new snakes?
One word.
Tbhk is currently 4th in the weekly selling manga chart.
Should I return these or are they fixable?
MRI results - any advice? Has anyone experienced anything like this? Meeting with my surgeon next week & freaking out because I’ve never had a serious injury before. I don’t know what to expect & worried healing process is going to take forever. Feeling very scared and lonely :/
if the server is screaming at you that the person you’re trading with is trying to scam you and you still go through with the trade, it’s nobody’s fault BUT YOURS!
What would you guys pay for a mega neon frostbite cub?
Would someone do this?
Looking for mistletroll treats! Dm me if you have one for trade.
Would anyone do this trade?
Trading Neon Merry MistleTroll! Lf : Crocodile, Jellyfishs, Glormy Leo, Nessie, Shark
Is Elvebredd still accurate?
I got after school Hanako-kun today!
Looking for a no potion crocodile! Dm me and I will tell you my offer
Are pets infinite?
Looking for Crocodile can be no potion, fly and ride potion or just one of those I honestly don't care!