Stumbling over the words
Ouch- this hit Home
Leo Rising Attributes
Who was your first celebrity crush?
The way he treats this dog pisses me off
Leo with Scorpio placements
Happy birthday Maddie
It was pretty because they seemed like a couple truly in love❤️
Scorpios, What was/is your relationship like with your mother and father? Would you pick them to be your parents again in another lifetime?
Honest Tattoo Removal Questions
Venlafaxine - any positive stories?
I wonder what Vino is dreaming...
How were you diagnosed?
She really thinks these people wanna hear her problems
My parents in the 1970s and in their 70s
any other leos with pisces moon?
Before and After mini facelift in late 20’s
since people wanted the video....aliciabfit
They can't keep Rare beauty's name out of their mouth
People claiming they’re bothered by the word “moist”.
What's a VPR line you quote all the time? Bonus points for more obscure ones.
Do I give Leo rising vibes ? Curious as I think my Scorpio sun overtakes it 😂
What is your "comfort" food, if you have one?
My favourite moment from all SI seasons