(My art) so dis all mah angel art
Fallout players will see this and think: Fuck Yeah
Virgin Lucifer vs the Chad Sera.
Silverfish also deal one point of damage. Does that mean they’re as strong as Steve?
“FrOzEn iS ThE FiRsT MoViE To-“ stfu
Idk what to title this, trans lives matter 👍👍
Garden of Eden @TioLimonD
Found in the wild
Local demon queen love volunteering
Even after all these years, Kane hasn't changed. (by @debaucheruby)
This is BOUND to happen
Let's do this
Reddit is left leaning : below average redditor reaction to a brown person commiting a crime
If you could try any one flavor of Nuka-Cola (including the mixes) which would you choose and why?
Light In The Dark (@beas287)
1v1:Frank Horrigan vs Doom guy (No weapons)
Get dunked on, mayflies
I don't even like sex
Bro these people looked underaged.
Most DB fans don't understand this 💀
Oh yeah helluva boss designs are TOTALLY bad designs :)
If Dragon Ball had Pixar style outtakes/bloopers, what arcs do you think would have the funniest ones?
Question about the heaven hierarchy
Maybe hot take (probably not) bit this is coolest transformation scene in all of dragon ball hands down imo
Can this prick pull a MasterOogway already and cross the fucking line