Living in a completely false reality
[COD] Are the original Modern Warfare Campaigns Safe to play?
How I can make my steam small like in this pic?
Fuck off, rich boi, let us meme fellas deal with memes
Why don't more people live in the Alaskan pan handle, considering the temperature climate? The Alaskan capital is barely colder than Seattle yet, barely 32k strong.
SAS perm ban
My inner child is happy!
From which country do you want to be invaded ?
How is the current state of the GTA trilogy game ?
i dont give a fuck about the election
Democracy is non-negotiable
Guys, guys! Murder is so based, amirite?
lol the hypocrisy
All Country Flag Trollfaces
These images originated from me pausing TLJ videos randomly.
Look at all the brainrot gen Z has to deal with
mind if I gif dump
Flag of Israel if umm… uhh… I forgot what I was going to say
Any good raceway parks?
As we all know, the People's Factories'™ carbon emissions will feed the plants and stop global warming, unlike the EVIL CAPITALIST FACTORIES!
Trying to remember a nostalgic course
This was my favorite part of the direct
States Where Pornhub Will be Blocked as of July 1, 2024