After getting rejected everywhere, can I apply for a research assistantship at universities abroad?
Should I go with my current admit or apply next year ?
Can anyone help me classify UC Irvine, USC and UCSD for my profile & interests (MS CS)?
Information Science and Engineering(ISE), Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) vs Integrated MSc(Theoretical CS), PSG College of Engineering, Coimbatore. Which is a better option?
Just trying to figure my chances
GPA Conversion for Cornell Tech M.Eng program
Final profile review
What is the best way to learn the vocabulary???
Extremely disappointed with my GRE score.
Test Center - Query
Are their schools still hiring for jobs?
Automated Plant Classification Project
Queries regarding MS, Computer Science at UC Riverside
Dayton Doctor needs plasma from person recovered from COVID-19
[P] PUBG Neural Network - Predict who lives until the next game phase
Inability to use Google Colab for CS231n assignments 2 and 3
Some book to learn Mathematics where even the stupidest person can understand?
Unable to register for TOEFL test
What to do after Andrew Ng's course?
Downloadable Python lessons for someone cut off from the world for three weeks
I compiled notes with most important things from Former SF Tech Recruiter AMA and I want to share it with you!
IWTL how to build strong network?
Way for a 15 year old to make a little bit of money?