Are there any other publicly traded companies that hold 46% of their market cap in cash, have zero long-term debt, where the CEO takes $0 salary + owns 9% of the company and there's a dedicated household investor base?
🚨 HAPPENING AGAIN: Massive attack on X is ongoing. This is attack NUMBER 4. The attackers are relentless. Elon Musk says it is so well-organized it could be a country.
Former MLB slugger Mo Vaughn confirms HGH use late in career
Which movie scenes never fail to make you cry?
What do you think is Martin Scorsese best film
What’s a modern trend you hope disappears in the next 5 years?
What was your first concert?
What is your favorite Ralph Fiennes performance?
Print it, sell it - do whatever you want with it!
The Prophecy is unfolding before your eyes
Do you know what they should call Aaron Rodgers?
Letter a studio sent to Spielberg
Bambu lab A1 vs A1 mini
What movie poster or still would go hard as fuck as a desktop wallpaper? 🔥🔥
[Bleacher Nation] Cubs Reportedly Still Monitoring a Couple Free Agent Pitchers: Lance Lynn and Kyle Gibson
Market is cooked
Maybe maybe maybe 🤞🏾
Old dirt Hill, Bristow, VA 6-28-08 : love this version!
Lowest WAR players that got MVP votes?
Let the games begin
How can I take control of my life as a SAHD?
Fittings for ductwork
What was the lowest stress job you’ve had?
Most underrated studio album?
Wow, Oh, Wow!! My longest and most favourite print to date!