-9 Months old and 9 Months old.
What are my options at this point? I am non-functional. 28F, treatment-resistant depression, PTSD, anxiety
Came to visit grandparents for a few days. Our cat found the coziest place in the house
Me 1985/2024
AITA: Husband gifted me something I already own… and have worn daily for 2 years.
Trixie boring
what's the joke here peter?
When did you realize?
Sore throat one side
I vomit a lot
WTW for someone that doesn’t have a dominant hands?
We’ve talked about our favorite faces. What are our favorite asses?
My boyfriend adopted a dog! Help with a new name! A new beginning!
AITA? Food in my lap
Does anyone know what this rash is around my mouth or how I can get rid of it?
Is Aspirin Safe To Take With The Flu Or A Cold???
Found at an Amish grocery store
WAW for rec room?
Gaining weight
How can I get my accommodation request taken seriously at the hospital?
I have no clue what this is
AITA for putting my husband’s hairbrush on top of his toothbrush?
did my appendix burst???/do i have appendicitis
WTW for goals that have visible progress vs ones that don't?
Which song from the show, played on loop forever in your head, would have you like this?
Trying to find what app this screenshot was taken from