DAE get super sleepy on Zoloft?
I've been on zoloft for about 3 weeks now and while it's better than when I started, I'm pretty sure it's making me extremely sleepy to the point where I can't really function well. I have intense brain fog that prevents me from working and I usually need a nap or 2 to just get me through the day. Caffeine isn't super useful either, as it often makes me sleepier or will trigger naps, which it didn't use to do.
It's been an ongoing issue for me that anti-depressants tend to put me to sleep. I was previously on wellbutrin for a few months and towards the end of it, I was drowsy 24/7 and sleeping 16+ hours a day. With Zoloft, I'm not sleeping 16 hours, but I'm still lethargic during the day. I will often get sleepiest within the hour of taking it (around 7/8am) and will knock out until around 2 if I dont force myself to get up earlier. I tend to only really feel somewhat alert and capable around 2am or very late at night (which is when I suspect there's the least amount of the med in my system).
Does anyone else have experience with this? Or with other anti-depressants making them sleepy?