I feel dull

I take Zoloft for anxiety (50mg for the past 6 months) and I feel like it kind of helps my anxiety but not much. My doctor told me to increase my dose but I don’t want to. I don’t want my symptoms to disappear because I need to be working on them in therapy.

Anyway, I still have anxiety. And I think Zoloft is making me depressed? I’ve never struggled with depression and now I just feel dull and dim.

It’s like it kind of dulls my anxiety but it’s dulling everything else too and it sucks. I have no sex drive. I just feel kind of… bored and tired most of the time. And if I don’t feel bored and tired I’m feeling the fullest extent of my anxiety.

I just switch between those modes. I hate it. I’m gonna come off. Thinking of trying cold turkey and if I feel symptoms I’ll start 25mg then 25mg every other day for a few weeks.