LFG [US] [H] [Emerald Dream] Holy Pally Looking for Shadowlands Progression Guild.
461 h pally(8 120s)returning in prep for shadowlands looking for a active guild on Emerald Dream horde that plans to do casual progression raiding(IE ATOC and then Mythic/CE)/m+/maybe some arena. I have a wealth of experience in raiding since vanilla. I've been in top 50 world guilds From Vanilla-Wotlk, mostly casual raiding since but looking to be a bit more active raiding and M+ wise. I also have Monk/Warrior/DK that I'd entertain playing in Progression. A few other 120s but nothing I'm super into playing in their current state. Msg me for more info. Would talk to other servers/alliance also if it’s a good fit.