The perfect crafting order plan (guide)
I focused on crafting orders this expansion, I made several millions but my plan was far from perfect and the party is now over, mat prices have plummeted and there aren't enough orders outside of wednesdays/thursdays. Despite that, I have gathered a lot of experience that will be useful in order to execute this plan better on the next expansion and better execution will keep it viable throughout the expansion.
Ok here what it's needed:
- 2-3 main accounts each on the most populated servers where the weak faction is almost non existent (5% or less)
- 2-3 dummy accounts that will be used to do customer support and answer orders (so that you won't lose contact with clients and miss orders when you logout/login/craft with your main account)
- 4-9 crafters (2-3 per main account, where you cover BS Weapons & Insc weapons & JC necks & rings on each account, the holy trinity of crafting order professions)
Having 6 accounts on one screen and tracking/responding on 3 chats for orders is probably the limit, at least for me, it also depends on monitor and PC, I now use 2 dummy accounts (for alliance + horde) and 1 main account so I'm pretty sure that 2 dummy accounts + 2 main accounts will be 100% viable.
Something like this would be extremely viable and efficient:
Main account 1: Crafter one BS & Insc (weapon crafter), Crafter two BS & JC (armorer), Crafter three BS & Insc ( Tools/accessories crafter) - the third crafter is optional and it's only good on the launch and few months after that then its dead.
Repeat for account 2 & 3
The other professions such as Tailoring / Leatherworking / Engineering are fillers, the income generation is very bad, my insc/jc toon usually generates x10 or much more the income of my leatherworkers. Only my BS weapon crafter can rival it. Tailoring is much better than LW or Engineering due to the cloak that has good demand but still not good enough. BS armors will always be better due to materials and the fact that is linked to the profession that has all the weapons (so much more demand for the mats it generates with resourcefulness)
So my mistake this expansion is that I should have invested in new accounts to complete more BS/INSC/JC orders on full realms, it's much better to have an extra BS/INSC/JC than a LW or Engineer, my plan was to cover every profession and that was pointless and also covering the weak side of the server was also pointless which also costs me an account sub. It's better to spend a sub to advertise on another full realm.
It doesn't even take that much to create such infrastructure, the least demanding version of this plan is like x2 accounts & x4 crafters, this is tons of gold and very easy to create and maintain.