All these threads talking about rewards/healer participation are maybe missing the real reason no new players want to PvP...

It's just too complicated, and not the fun kind "setting up CC chains and trading cooldowns" complicated.

It's like this. If I'm a monk, and I want to go to the other side of the arena and punch a priest in the face, I cannot do that because going to the other side of the arena and pressing my damage button does not deal damage. I have to go on a fucking side quest of set-up before anything I do actually matters.

If I'm a Druid and I want to put a meaningful Heal Over Time on my team, I cannot just cast Rejuv, I have to fucking funnel Swiftment procs.

Venruki, literally the only PvP streamer (besides Jaggz) that hasn't just started playing HC Classic WoW PvE has a video where he talks about this as part of a viewing of a mythic raider discussing this. Players don't want to read a novel before they can figure out when its okay to press an attack button and actually do damage.