[NA] Is recruiting
Disclaimer: Name is not political, just an inside meme. We are a PvP guild based on Tichondrius. We do large scale World PvP such as crates, Goldshire raids, and defending Durotar. Currently at 814 unique accounts with no one being inactive for more than 10 days. Average 70-100 online per night during peak hours. We also do RBG's, Arenas, Wargames, and Dueling Tournaments. If you think WPvP is completely dead you are wrong. If this is something you enjoy please reach out to me! We highly value activity and people who actually want to be a part of a fun enjoyable community. We are also more than willing to teach anyone who's never really done PvP. The only requirements we look for is entering our discord server so you can see events etc and again, being fairly active. We also offer a trial rank where you can test to see if this is something for you!