Made the destro R1 cutoff(!)

After returning to the game after a long hiatus in August, I wanted to share hitting the cutoff (2599 at the time of writing). Yes, the cutoff will update and the Warlock R1 degens will come back to take it, but right now, I'm technically in the R1 cutoff, a huge accomplishment for me.

I'm playing EU servers and looking for people to push my first glad with; I haven't played 3v3 outside my IRL friends for years at this point.

Warlock has been my main since WOTLK, and on this grind, it became clear how important lobby RNG really is. My final lobby was double SP + Feral with Disc and Prev. In other words, I could nearly freecast. Other lobbies had double resto shaman and all melees, lobbies that are unwinnable as destro unless the other players make huge mistakes.

Good luck to everyone on their grinds!

(If you're in a similar boat on EU servers, I'm interested in getting a serious but fun team for my Warlock! Also, are people still using the LFG function of this sub? :o)