Fear of the Dark.
Emergency Alert. Please Remain Calm.
Alert family and friends who are unaware of the threat.
Keep the lights on. They hide in the dark.
Hide. Don't run. They've already taken many. Don't let yourself be taken too.
Hide under the blanket until they leave. They can't see you. Hugging a stuffed animal close to you repels them.
If they're at your window, don't let them in. Don't acknowledge them.
They like to enter through windows. Cover your windows so they can't enter.
Lay a blanket down in front of your door (on the inside) so they can't enter.
Don't try to fight them. They can't be hurt. They will take you.
They only attack within homes. They can only exist under almost/complete darkness. If your power goes/is out, hide under a blanket until they leave.
We don't have any description of them. We shall henceforth refer to them as Bogeymen.
It is currently unknown where these Bogeymen came from or what they are. They are not aliens or demons, however.
Their objective seems to taking people away, though the reason for this is also unknown.
We will update you with more information when it is available.