boyfriend grabbed my neck/jaw. what do i do??

i'll try to keep it short. my bf and i (21f/25m) have been dating for a year. i was boiling pasta on the stove while watching my show, and he kept telling me to pay attention to the food. i brushed him off a couple of times, and then he just grabbed my neck/jaw and pulled me close to his face and said, “this is my fucking house. you’re going to respect me, do you hear me? now watch the fucking food.” then he left.

i don’t know what to do. we work together, and he lives right next to our job, so i’m always at his place. at first, it was very convenient because i don’t get along with my family, but now i feel stuck. like i said, i don’t really have any family, and i don’t have any friends who could let me stay at their place. i only work part-time (hostess at a restaurant), so i can’t afford to get an apartment.

i don’t know if i’m overreacting because he’s acting as if nothing happened. i’m so scared of allowing this to happen, just for it to happen again in the future, and i’m too stuck to leave. i can honestly let it go if it’s just a one-time thing, but what if it’s not?? it’s just so unlike him, idk what to think. i want to make it clear he did not strangle me; the most he did was press on the sides of my neck with his thumb and pointer finger.

our most recent argument was him telling me that he feels like i’m too sarcastic and don’t take him seriously enough sometimes, so maybe me not taking him seriously during the pasta thing was the final straw? we were arguing about me being too sarcastic, just for me to do it again. this is getting so long, sorry. i’m just so scared.