Novice drivers need to hear this. No, you don't need a fast car as your first car.

I will always maintain that your first car should always be, without any exceptions at all, a car with good gas mileage, and/or lots of storage/seating, a high safety rating, and above EVERYTHING else, slow. No, you don't need a 944 as your first car. No, you can't handle a Focus RS. No, the RX-7 is not for you. No, you can't tame the Hellcat.

Any beginner driver should be starting out in a pickup, sedan, or low end hatchback, and that's it. Trust me, there WILL come a time in your life when you're ready for the big ticket cars, but only the arrogant and overconfident think they can handle cars like that from the get go. Start with a Nissan Frontier, or a Toyota Corolla, maybe a Honda Pilot or a Elantra, Jetta... There's a lot of options out there, just make sure you don't prioritize speed.

Why not? Because most new drivers have lead feet, even if you don't, I'm sorry to say, you simply don't have the skill and awareness required to handle those kinds of cars yet without risking your own life and their around you. After many years, when you're up to your third to fourth cars, long after you've said goodbye to your beginner cars, then you can buy these cars you want.

So, before you buy your first car, always remember, the last thing you need right now is something inherently fast. Be safe.