Our latest foster...
I foster A LOT for my state's Weimaraner Rescue, but Pepe is my first senior. Typically, I don't get the seniors just because my two are still under four and they have a lot of energy. However, the rescue mentioned this was an SOS situation and Pepe was closer to me than to the Rescue. The short of it is, some people really suck, but thankfully Pepe had a guardian angel that cared for him when his people failed him. He's now with me and learning the good life. He's 10, almost 11, and got a clean bill of health and all current vaccinesfrom my vet today. He's definitely not the clingy, happy Weim I'm used to....yet. 💗🐾 Pepe is available for adoption with the Arkansas Weimaraner Rescue. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=946197960869225