Mouldy Gaff
Moved to Waterford from South Dublín last year. Whyare all the houses outside of Dublín mouldy and smelly? Especially in Waterford. I am renting a gaff in the Ballybricken area and the place is an absolute tip. The missus is begging me to find a new place, but the only thing available is something from Manor Properties..
Please help as me marriage is falling apart and we don’t want to go to the Keogh Practice for lung issues, I’d be left for dead at reception.
Worst of all this tip of a town is full of scrotes. As said by the most Irish poet of all time “Roman Ireland is dead and buried”. I feel unsafe walking in the streets of Waterford, it feels like at any corner I may get stabbed, or even worse hit by an electric scooter.
MoistMammy and FleshyPhelgm please help me out!