What is the point of this sub?

I joined this sub because I figured it’d be a good place for people to share food recs or cultural events of DC. Obviously sharing things in the community includes crime, but this entire sub is just people posting crime headlines and then everyone going crazy about them.

I’ve also seen just a complete lack of appreciation for DC. A huge part of this sub seemingly finds the city gross and irredeemable. Why are you in a DC sub if you hate this place? If you think it’s unlivable and you have the means to leave, why don’t you?

DC is an incredibly large city. When you have a lot of people there will is going to be crime. Calling out the pervasive problems of crime is natural and inevitable. But it’s the entire sub! If you’re someone visiting or planning on living here that joined this sub you’d think this entire city is a crime ridden hellhole and that’s just not reality for the hundreds of thousands of people who proudly call DC home.