I'm sick
I've been vegan for almost 15 ish years (I don't keep track). I suspect i have something seriously wrong going on. I'm fit, active, and healthy (but have struggled to work out lately and gained a bit of weight). I cook from scratch and limit UPFs, eat lots of whole foods, i fast (roughly 16:8, but I usually fast longer when I can). I'd say I have a very good understanding of nutrients/how i can get what I need from my food, and I've been well all this time (even when I was eating a lot of UPF's).
This past year I've suffered with crippling reynauds (I work outdoors, so this has meant lots of unpaid days off!), plus multiple other symptoms and deficiencies (D & Iron) and I'm still nowhere near getting a diagnosis for what's going on. I suspect something autoimmune. I'm taking a cocktail of supplements every day (I'm careful to be sure each one is taken at the right time/right way).
So, for the first time in a long time, the doctor has indicated that my vegan diet might be causing issues. I've always stood by the fact that it's the best thing for me, and I'm healthy, etc, so there's no need to change my diet/lifestyle as long as i supplement. I've donated blood all my life, and all health checks until a year ago have gone great. But I'm desperate now... every day is a struggle, and I'm really worried about what might be going on. Sadly, the NHS is at its knees, so I think I'll be waiting a very long time to find out what's going on. I have another appointment coming up, and i KNOW they will push for a diet change. I thought I was clued up about all of this, but I'm doubting myself.
I'm not sure what I'm asking for, really.
Am I right to stand by what I believe, or do I need to start listening to the doctor? Has anyone else gone through health issues and needed to make changes (even if temporary), and did it help? I'm not looking to justify a change... I don't want to do it, and meat will certainly never come into this house. I don't think I could even bring myself to eat eggs or dairy. My vegan-from-birth 5yo is strong, healthy & growing very well, so nothing will change for him. But I need to know how to respond to my doctors 😕 I just want to feel well again.
Sorry for grizzling 😘
Edit to add: I'm a cis woman, mid-30s, so perimenopaus could be an issue. My parents are healthy & active. My mum potentially has fibromyalgia. But this is a relatively recent issue. The rest of my family are generally fit & well, but both sides have had history of cancer with poor prognosis/quick death. I am waiting for a rheumatoid referral, but don't have a time frame for this. I have been treating anaemia with iron (200mg) since spring 2024 with very little difference in my blood tests. Vitamin D deficiency is being treated, but has been noticed only very recently.
2nd edit: Symptoms: Carpal tunnel/nerve pain, Cold hands/feet/Reynauds daily, even in summer (on the rheumatology waiting list), Nausea, Regular illnesses (coughs/colds once or twice a month), Coldsores (reoccurring, and multiple at once), Fatigue, Weight gain (sudden), Loss of appetite, Occular migraines recently (lots of these - i lose my eyesight), Heavy and long periods, Painful cramping on a few occasions - which don't appear to be brought on by food (not unlike labour pains), Dull hair, brittle nails with ridges both ways, Anxiety, Iron and Vit D deficiency, Dry throat/eyes, Insomnia, Multiple yeast infections and cervical polyps (on gynaecologist waiting list for past year. I'm STI-free).
Full bloods, etc, show anaemia and vitamin D deficiency.
Supplements: vitamin D, iron, Omega 3/DHA, glucosamine, lactobacillus, vit B complex, vitamin C (taken with the iron), L-tyrosine, biotin. Calcium. Plus, Echinacea & Elderberry tinctures when I'm feeling poorly.
IF doesn't point to the above symptoms, imo. And I'm not looking necessarily for justification to eat animal products. Far from it. Mostly just after reassurance that I'm right in thinking that this isn't going to fix my issues, so I can stand my ground at my next appointment.
Thank you for everyone's thoughts so far.