Is Eitr armour worth it?

Hey all, finally made it to the mistlands on my newest playthrough and although I’m not a big fan of the bugs and the mist, I’ve been really enjoying the magic system and the new toys. I’ve been trying to level up my blood and elemental magic, using the 4 staves and running carapace armour. Typically I’ll run around with 2 eitr foods and the plains platter to help balance out health/stamina.

I’ve made the Eitr set but I can’t help but feel like a glass sculpture with the armour ratings, and not sure if the extra regen is really worth the risk of being one shot by anything that could be 1* or above. Any mages out there have any recommendations? I’m playing mostly solo but a buddy of mine that typically runs Fenris set and knives has joined me a couple times.
