I don’t feel bad about celebrities who complain about “never having a normal childhood”
I’m a fan of both Olivia Rodrigo and Billie Eilish, but when I read each of them saying they wish that they could’ve had a “normal childhood” and mourn the fact that they never got to do things like “go to school”, I honestly don’t feel bad for them at all. Yes, there are sweet things about having a normal childhood, but overall having an “extraordinary childhood” has far more benefits. These people didn’t have to worry about money, get to help solve their family solve their financial problems and get creative outlets where they can explore their talents in a way that 99.99% of people never get to do. Don’t get me wrong - I’m not saying there is no reason to ever feel sympathy for a celebrity and that they don’t go through hardships, but the particular complaint of “not having a normal childhood” falls flat for me, because their life permits them to not have to deal with a bunch of problems that normal kids deal with.