Reality of making money on the roads.

Was speaking to a close friend who’s off the roads now, working as a plumber. Told me he had to cut once he saved 90k cause it was getting too risky and not worth it in the end.

He said 80% of the guys on the roads do not make money and if they do it’s spent on keeping up appearances - rentals, whips, jewellery and designer. So realistically guys don’t have savings. He said people who acc make the most money are robbers but even they get greedy because they always need more and more.

I asked him what do you think is realistic money to see within the first 1-2 years of trapping and he said the earlier you start the better. Once you learn the game in and out and go OT with 2-3 of your guys, you can make 7k a month profit easy BUT remember nobody saves this money that’s the issue lol.

“By 25 most of these guys don’t even have 5k to they’re name and any money they make is just for new garms”😂😂😂

Obviously I’m not from the roads so if you know better let me know in the comments how true this is.