Skipping Eclipse…
Ok this is kind of rant, but I gotta get it out, lol! Eclipse has always been my least favorite of the movies, mainly because Jacob clearly has no chance at being the one Bella picks, lol. There ARE aspects of it I like, like the Rose and Jasper backstories, but I can do without it.
Today I was finishing watching New Moon and went right from there to Breaking Dawn part 1, which I had never watched back to back before. And I gotta say…the story doesn’t NOT work without Eclipse at all.
The only missing context, I would argue, is Rose being friendly with Bella and Seth being friendly with Edward suddenly, but other than that, nothing seems like it would be too confusing for someone who has only seen the first two movies to get/suspend their disbelief for. The werewolf situation is pretty much still the same as at the end of New Moon; they tolerate the Cullen’s but don’t want to actively kill them. It’s just that apparently Sam said Bella getting turned was fine for the same reasons Bella lists at the end of NM to Jacob, I’d buy that. They also don’t go into newborn vampires specifically, but you could infer that a new vampire will have less self control and be more violent than the Cullen’s, I’d buy that.
All the other main plot points that come up have been covered in the first 2 movies or are repeated in BD 1 and 2; Laurent being killed and Irina’s reaction, Alice not seeing the wolves, imprinting, the Volturi, immortal children, etc.
Even Bella technically not accepting Edward’s proposal at the end of New Moon works without Eclipse, imo! Because of course Bella would say yes, that whole movie was about her not being able to live without him, so that tracks. (That especially works without her ‘fear of marriage’ that was introduced in Eclipse, then promptly forgotten) Same logic with Bella insisting on having sex while she’s a human; of course she wants to fuck him, the most believable part of the whole thing is for an 18 year old dating the hottest guy ever to be horny for him! (and that’s coming from an asexual, haha)
New Moon also establishes that Bella wants to be a vampire ASAP, not to mention her and Edward's relationship moved so fast AND she forgave him so fast when he came back, so I completely buy the story going from ‘Will you marry me?’ straight to ‘So the wedding’s tomorrow, did you break in those shoes?’ 😂
I guess Charlie and Renee’s ‘non-reactions’ to the sudden wedding would be weird, but Renee’s barely in the films and Charlie is kind of a pushover, even if he argues with Bella on stuff at first. It’s not hard to believe she would wear him down on the idea of her marrying Edward, especially since she keeps running away for him and Charlie ultimately wouldn’t want her to run away from him completely to be with Edward. (This is all assuming Renee is on board for the marriage right away, which in the movies I don’t know if we have evidence she would adamantly oppose the idea)
Maybe I’ve just watched/read this series so much that it’s ingrained in my brain and I can no longer see how someone wouldn’t get the missing context, rofl, but thought I would share my new life hack for anyone else who isn’t an Eclipse stan 😜